Jill Sauvé
I was born and raised in a Christian family and from a very young age, I was taught the truths and fundamentals of the Bible. The church has been part of my life since I was born, and still continues to be.
It was a place where Godly Christian truths and values of life were taught and lived out. It was a place where I came to understand that I must reconcile my sinful human self with God, and that there was an eternity coming someday and I had a choice to make.
For several years, I had also come to realize that heaven was not a place to be gained because a person had devoted Christian parents, went faithfully to church, or that they memorized verses and passages of the Bible. It was finally the place where I knew I was a sinner and needed to repent of my sin (Romans 6:23) and believe in Jesus Christ’s work on the cross - that He paid the price for my sin (Romans 5:8) and if I acknowledged Him as Lord and Saviour, I would become one of His own children (Romans 5:1).
As I entered my early teens, it was then that I repented and asked Jesus to forgive my sins and to be my Saviour. He has done that and given me eternal life. Because of this, I am able to claim the promise in Romans 8:1. My life verse is Proverbs 3:5,6,23 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. Then you will walk on your way safely and your foot will not stumble.